Thank you all for making time to join us this afternoon.  I realize it was a whirlwind of information so I will try to unpack it for you.

First thing….please watch this video of the announcement.

Very Important Information:
  • Please register for the trip with Group Travel Network TONIGHT!!!  Even though you see a price you will not be charged.  Please use the information on the link below to go to their website and register for the trip.

Lowndes High School Band – Inauguration Tour – 2025 – One-Sheet 01 JS

  • Every student going on the trip needs to register with United States Secret Service.  We will have the band room open tomorrow from 7:30am until 4:00pm.  We need everyone that can be there tomorrow to be there, but if you cannot we will get you registered the first day of school.  I have begged for them to give us some grace but we need to get as many students done tomorrow.
    • If you are a US Citizen you will need your Social Security Number
    • If you are not a US Citizen, you will need your Passport Number or your ARN Number
  • This trip will not cost you anything but meals while we travel.  We will be rolling out a fundraising campaign in the very near future.
  • I have received a ton of emails since the meeting and please know I am not ignoring you and I will be replying sometime tomorrow to answer your questions.
  • Please pay close attention to the rehearsal schedule below.  We are very limited with our time and we need everyone at every rehearsal.

Inaugural Parade Rehearsal Schedule – Google Docs

Much more detailed information will be coming in the near future must we must get registered for the trip tonight and all that are able get registered with the United States Secret Service tomorrow.

What a great time to be a Georgia Bridgemen!!!!!  H.U.S.T.L.E!